Rifle Course Basics
This is a one-day course for those that are looking to know their rifle better or looking for one. All rifle types are invited to the class… bolt action, semi-auto, lever action, pump, break open, etc. We will tailor the program for the rifle types taking the course. This course is N.R.A. certified.
Defensive Rifle (Level 1)
This is a one-day course dealing with the history, mechanics, accessories and PRACTICAL use of the semi-automatic carbine. The AR-15 will be highlighted. Attendees are encouraged to bring their own or any other type of carbine including pistol caliber carbines. The course curriculum will be adjusted to accommodate all models brought to class. There are a limited number of rentals available. This course is N.R.A. certified.
Shotgun Dynamics
This is a one-day course dealing with the history, mechanics, accessories and PRACTICAL use of the slide action (pump) and semi-automatic shotgun. Attendees are encouraged to bring their own though there are a limited number of rentals available.
Handgun Fundamentals Course
This is a one-day course for those interested in acquiring a handgun, or have one and are looking for training in its use. Handgun selection, safe use, applications, storage, etc. For those who have not yet acquired a handgun, we have a variety available to determine which one(s) seem best suited for them.
Defensive Handgun (Tier I)
This is the basic course for PRACTICAL handling and use of a handgun in defensive applications. SMD approach is unique in that philosophies and techniques are effective in static as well as dynamic situations. Tier I is a one-day course introducing and practicing a philosophy requiring few techniques; easily understood and utilized to protect oneself while stationary or moving.
Past Courses
NRA Range Safety Officer (RSO) Certification Course
This is a one-day course for those interested in becoming a certified Range Safety Officer (RSO). Course topics include safely running a range or conducting a live fire event, understanding the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for ranges and clubs, range inspection, emergency procedures, safe gun handling on the firing line, etc. There is no live fire section in this course. NRA membership is NOT a requirement.
This course is closed.
Low-Light Workshop
This is a 2 ½ hour class introduction and overview of low light defensive training. Please keep in mind this course does not replace a comprehensive day long course but offers an opportunity to learn or review effective lighting techniques. Students are encouraged to bring their own hand held and/or weapon mounted lights. SMD has a number of different handguns and lights for use and evaluation.
This course is closed.
Defensive Rifle (Level 2)
This is a one-day course dealing with more advanced techniques and considerations in the use of the semi-automatic carbine. This class offers the opportunity to utilize the rifle and equipment in realistic critical situations. All rifle platforms and models are welcome to be used in the class. The course curriculum will be adjusted to accommodate all models brought to class. It is NOT a requirement to have taken our Level 1 Course. However, new students to this class will be vetted. Students are welcome to try our various available platforms and models.
This course is closed.
The REACT Experience
In today’s environment, the question comes up as to whether civilians can handle critical situations as a community. Especially, in areas where the community doesn’t feel the government can or will protect them to their satisfaction. This course is designed to students the opportunity to experience the intensity and complexities of what it’s like to deal with a true tactical situation. This three-day course will take students through mindset shifts, basic real tactical training, Equipment selection, and mission planning. It finishes with a real life scenario against an unknown number of opponents In a community-based scenario.
This course is closed.
Defensive Handgun (Tier III)
This is the last course of the defensive handgun series. In this course we deal with situations and conditions that aren’t “ideal.” Situations that aren’t just draw, present, aim, and shoot; whether stationary, mobile, or against multiple threats. Hopefully, this course answers many of those “what if” questions that arise because of what happens in the course of our daily lives. This class is more about reaction and response than any particular shooting technique or style.
This course is closed.
Defensive Handgun (Tier II)
Where Tier I is an introduction to the defense mindset utilizing appropriate dry and live fire exercises, Tier II is the heart, the core of defensive pistol. It delves into actual defense situations and issues, utilizing proven techniques for both indoor and outdoor threats. The course looks at choices for the armed person; escape and evade, engagement, and clearing. This is the “PRACTICALs” class to try, test how each student does utilizing their preferred techniques… an opportunity to refine, re-think if necessary, shooting techniques for each student. Not a prior SMD Student? It is NOT a requirement to have taken Tier I. This course allows you to practice techniques you do and is an opportunity to adjust, tweak, or learn new techniques for defensive shooting.
This course is closed.
Advanced Defensive Handgun Training for Professionals
The Rest of 2024 is scheduled to be out Soon!!
Click on the below tabs for course information.
We are beginning our Defensive Handgun Series again!! It is a four-day course offered one day a month introducing and practicing a philosophy requiring few techniques, easily understood and utilized for protection while stationary, moving, or from behind cover. Various techniques are shown and practiced through each Tier so that EACH student can find what techniques (and equipment) work best for them.
Tier I is an introduction to our defense philosophy, mindset, and various techniques.
These are practiced in both classroom and live fire settings.
Tier II is a more practical application of these techniques, allowing each student to determine what is working, what needs tweaking, or what might need to be re-evaluated and changed. In this class, we introduce low-light considerations and Alternative Force.
Tier III is a class dedicated to when “the situation isn’t perfect.” We work on counter ambush defense, close quarters; situations that can occur as a result of living our daily lives. This is our “what if” course.
Tier III-SC is a CLOSED course for Tier III graduates only. It is purely student-driven, dealing with special considerations, follow-ups, or other topics and concerns our students have.
Tiers IV & V are reserved for law enforcement, tactical teams, military, and special operations only.