Precision Training, Tactical Solutions

Offering Tailored Firearm Training Courses for Civilians, Law Enforcement, and Military Personnel

Courses We Offer:

* Courses are offered on an individual, group, class, and/or team basis. *

  • Basic - Advanced Pistol

  • Basic - Advanced Rifle / Patrol Rifle​​

  • Concealed Carry Fundamentals Course​ (USCCA Certified Course)

  • ​"Stop The Bleed"/Everyday Carry Course

  • Women Specific Classes

  • Range Safety Officer Certification

    (N.R.A. Certified Course)

  • ​Less Than Lethal Techniques

  • Close Quarters Engagement / Dynamic Entry

  • Law Enforcement / Special Operations​​​

  • Basic - Advanced Shotgun

  • Defensive Firearms Training

  • ​Situational Awareness / Force on Force

  • Home / Business Protection

  • School / Church Security Management

  • ​In-Home & Range Family Program

  • ​Physical Disabilities Adaptations

  • Legal Considerations

  • Tactical / Sniper Operations

  • Tactical Submachine Gun

  • ​Firearms / Incident Consultant

** Training For Today's World **