- Time: 8:00AM – Approx 4:00PM
- Snacks and beverages provided. Please make arrangements for lunch.
- $190.00.
- Cash, check or credit cards accepted. Call to pre-register. Discounts for previous SMD students, R&V Members, groups of two or more.
- Safety review.
- Philosophy of defense.
- Static and movement.
- Introduction to defensive techniques.
- Classroom practice utilizing CTS Air Soft and SIRT LASER Pistols.
- Use of Red Dot / Electronic sights (if applicable).
- Safety review.
- Live fire practice of reviewed techniques.
- Static and movement techniques.
- Reaction drills.
- Multiple threats.
- Students to bring a firearm, two hundred and fifty (250) rounds of ammunition, OWB or similar holster.
- Eye and hearing protection.
Location: Ridge & Valley Rod & Gun Club 7600 Blue Church Rd S, Coopersburg, PA 18036